Black hooded jacket with tribal feather print


Our brand new collection of hooded sleeveless jackets , a very special 'oversize' design with huge pockets and large hood, The print on the back I had done on lush fury material , the prints are of indigenous tribes of America and their tools, this print is of the eye of the peacock.

Not one feather falls for no reason, I'm intrigued by their rituals and dress and way of life. So in touch with the earth and all her energies. It is for this reason I chose to celebrate this culture.

Made from durable strong pure cotton fabric with patch aplique stitched on the back.

These are a small collection of one off pieces , totally unique and original.

Measurements: 78cm long, 50 cm chest, 60 cm waist n hips.

Made from unbleached cotton and synthetic fur.






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